Located @ 6801 Bell Suite 800 Amarillo, Tx —- full service Salon and online/instore boutique
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      Interested in sugaring or an waxing appointment, book online here!


      Brazilian and Bikini Sugaring services will NOT be provided if you are on your menstrual cycle. 

      This is The Sugaring Bar and Boutiques Policy and always has been.

      If you come to your appointment on your cycle, you will be charged a $25 cancellation fee.

      You receive a text the day you book your appointment,  a 24 hour EMAIL reminder,  a 4 hour reminder and also a 1 hour reminder. 

       Make sure to exfoliate, no lotions or oils before your appointment, 7-10 days of hair growth is needed for best results. Please see our website for pricing information. If you no show or cancel day of you will be charged a $25 fee. Subscriptions cannot be more 24 hours overdue, after 24 hours subscriptions will be terminated without renewal.

      Please cancel or reschedule your appointment at least 24 hours in advance. If the system does not allow to do it yourself, please contact Michelle. 

      Questions you can call or text Michelle 806-570-5099.